Project summaries are provided by Project Coordinators for ongoing projects sponsored by NKCRC.
Affordable Housing Group
This group seeks donations of land to establish individual housing units as well as small affordable housing communities in North Kohala to encourage diversity, which is our community’s strength. Visit their website for more info. Jack Hoyt, 808-889-0349,
Kohala Aikikai
Kohala Aikikai was formed to foster respectful and peaceful relationships in the North Hawaii community through the teaching of Aikido.
Rikko Varjan 505-449-7160.
Art In Sight
Master art teacher Peter Kowalke offers pottery, sculpture and drawing lessons for adults and children. His hands-on curriculum for homeschooled children provides an art-based learning platform for science, art history and English. Peter Kowalke, 808-937-7556,
Camp Lokahi is sponsored by Island Breeze Ministries at the Makapala Retreat Center. Camp Lokahi was founded in 2006 with a mission to create a fun and loving atmosphere where the youth of Kohala and the Big Island can feel safe and welcome through our camps held during school breaks.
For more information contact
Camp Mana offers a weekend day camp each spring, inviting youth to cultivate their innate wisdom, creativity, and awareness. The project fosters authentic expression, healing, growth, connection, respect, and love.
Heather Brovsky, 808-896-7748,
Learning Abroad
This program allows high school students to travel to other countries with their classmates. Students visit historical and cultural sites around the world, participating in unforgettable experiences.
Kristen Friedrich (503) 673-2523
E Ulu Pu Ana
Educational Resources
E Ulu Pu Ana Educational Co-Operative offers programs to our community that honor the natural rhythms of human development while providing a rich curriculum that is inspired by the ancestral wisdom of our islands and the pedagogy practices of Waldorf Education. We provide academic resources, ‘āina based explorations, and culturally appropriate life skills that foster a holistic evolution of the body, mind, and spirit. All donations will be used to support program scholarships. Keiki ages 6-11yo are open to applying for our 4 full-day co-op or 2-day afterschool programs.
Lilinoe McDonough, 318-572-3805
Friends of
Kohala Pool
This group was formed in March of 2022 to help finance and facilitate improvement projects at the Kohala Pool, located in Kamehameha Park in Kapaʻau, Hawaiʻi. The pool was in need of new pumps and filters to resume operation and raised enough funds to re-open the pool in 2023
Give and Grow
Discovery School
Designed for the children of North Kohala, we provide an outdoor educational program that offers children opportunities to discover their unique gifts through nature-based practices, community service, and skill building. Established in July 2020 to meet the changing climate of schooling during COVID-19 by offering children outdoor learning opportunities and safe socialization. Our outdoor curriculum is based in social and emotional learning through hands-on activities.
Devin Longfellow 808-895-4257
Hawaii Music and
Arts Conservatory
This project’s mission is to provide a creative and inspiring place from which to teach, coordinate, facilitate, experience, and perform music and art for the children and adults of North Hawaii.
Adrienne Cherry, 808 494 2699
Health as Priority –
Making health as a priority by providing in-home and online home visitations to assess health concerns, launching a fully mobile telehealth platform to connect people to medical and community providers, providing regular individualized case management and care oversight, and training and certifying high school students as medical and certified nurse assistants.
Ho’ola Honey
Bee Relocation
This group’s mission is to save honey bees and support North Kohala’s natural environment and agricultural community by providing live bee removal and relocation services.
Kailin Kim, 808-386-9886, ;
Hula Halau O Kukui Aloha
O Kohala
This school of hula was established to educate and connect people with the earth and share ancient stories and ways of life with classes for keiki and adults. It is a sister halau to Hula Halau Mana`olana O Kohala.
Leia Lawrence, 808-889-5155,
Hula Halau O Mana’olana
O Kohala
The halau offers classes for all ages in Hula and Hawaiian culture, providing a bridge between the generations and many cultures, and connecting the community to its rich Hawaiian heritage.
Hope Keawe, 808-889-5535.
Engaging Kohala youth along with their families in hands-on skill building and hosting experiential learning opportunities for veterans and their families.
Fred Figueroa. 808-769-2755
Kamehameha Day
Since early last century, a Kamehameha Day celebration has occurred at the original statue located here in North Kohala. With great pride and as the birth place of the king, Kohala has become the only celebration to occur on June 11, the date designated as his birthday. Kohala’s celebration is the premier event to honor Hawaiian history and to acknowledge our host culture. The event is organized to celebrate, honor, preserve and share Kohala’s cultural heritage. Check out the website if you need more information.
Des Hooton:
Kamehameha Statue
Twice a year the group performs general maintenance tasks which include looking for bronze rust or any other problems that might arise with a statue of this type. Your continued support to help care for the Kamehameha Statue in Kapa’au is much appreciated.
Sharon Hayden, 808-889-0169.
Keiki Yoga
Combining yoga poses, games, art, and breathing techniques, this program helps Kohala Elementary School students develop physical fitness, self-care strategies, and greater focus and attention.
Jamie Eversweet Belmarez, 808-756-3919,,
Tennis Program
Kohala Elementary School Tennis Program provides in-school tennis lessons for elementary and middle school students to train and engage youth as a feeder program for the high school tennis team.
Melissa Virtue, 808-936-8206
KHS Track
KHS Track Restoration Initiative is working to resurface the existing track at Kohala High School. Contact the center for updated contact information. 808-889-5523.
KHS Washington DC-
New York Trip
Kohala High School students and their chaperones will travel to Washington, D.C., and New York City to visit a variety of cultural and historical sites during spring break.
Hinano Lewis, 808-747-4301,
Kindy Sproat:
A Gift to the Heart
This documentary depicts the life journey of Kindy Sproat, an internationally recognized musician and one of Hawai`i’s Living Treasures, whose life perpetuates Hawaiian culture through stories and songs.
Keith Nealy, 808-987-8093, /
Artists’ Cooperative
The Kohala Artists Cooperative was established in 2006 by eight North Kohala artists in search of a local arts center. We shared a desire to show our work in a space of our own design, to run the gallery cooperatively, and therefore, to be able to offer our work at reasonable prices. Our intention was also to promote artists and art education for the people of North Kohala
Catherine Morgan
Kohala Cares, a weekly food distribution program, was conceived in the belly of Sushi Rock Restaurant (now closed) to address a community need during the COVID-19 pandemic, This need continues to be relevant post-pandemic. Each Tuesday at 4:15 pm, 150 – 200 bags of groceries are distributed to supplement food to individuals experiencing food insecurity in North Kohala at St. Augustineʻs Church Parking lot.
Peter Pomerance
Community Plan
Our mission is to create and maintain a robust community-driven planning process for Kohala in support of projects addressing the current Kohala community and Hawaiʻi Island goals. The Kohala Community Plan (KCP) is grounded in community-generated ideas gathered in community “talk story” sessions and data gathered by working focus groups. Ongoing documentation of goals, actions, and progress is provided by the working focus groups and the stakeholders with whom they collaborate.
Beth Robinson – alohabeth@gmail
Coalition Against Drugs
For the past 18 years KCAD has worked to keep Kohala’s youth safe and drug free by offering education and a variety of fun, drug-free activities for children. Please contact the center for contact information. 808-889-5523
Kohala Community
Athletic Association
Since 1980, KCAA has offered free after-school sports programs for Kohala youth ages 5-14 including baseball, softball, basketball, T-ball, volleyball, and flag football. Players play for free.
Duncan Anderson 808-889-0405
Kohala Culture & History Advisory Group

The North Kohala Culture and History Advisory Group was established in August of 2023 to advise the North Kohala Community Development Plan Advisory Group’s planning process, as well as, to serve as a communication hub and support for the County and other culture and history groups in North Kohala. Our mission is to protect, preserve, and perpetuate historic and cultural resources in North Kohala for today and future generations.
Boyd Bond:
Engineering Resources
This informational center offers advice for residents on any engineering aspect of their home and community, including hazard mitigation, wastewater treatment, and greywater systems.
Jim Pedersen, PE. 808-854-4888.
Kohala Football
Boosters Club
Established in 1992 to support the Varsity football program through fundraising activities and solicitation. This organization was established by parents and guardians of student athletes.
Kohala Independent
Film Program
The Kohala Independent Film Project seeks to empower independent filmmaking in Kohala, and in doing so, present authentic Hawaiian stories to its communities. KIFP hopes to embolden the potential for filmmaking to artistically express culture, create community, and catalyze economy through storytelling.
Kohala Oral History Project
The Kohala Oral History Project collects oral histories of the Kohala community. The project engages the community, illuminates history, and promotes the notion that every person makes history. The videos will serve as a living history of Kohala through the lens of the people who live here and can be accessed at
and on the Kohala Kupa’a website.
Jocelyn Manuel,
Kohala Performing Arts
Kohala Performing Arts was established to address the need for more extracurricular activities and programs for Kohala’s youth. Through performing arts we can help improve student motivation, focus, discipline, self-confidence, and character development.
Tiana Miyamoto,
Kohala Radio
Kohala Radio operates a low-power noncommercial FM radio station for the community. We are committed to broad inclusive participation and diverse programming reflecting the community. Operated by local residents volunteering their time and expertise.
Aaron Sienkiewicz, 808-889-0507
Ride Wild Club
Kohala Ride Wild Club engages children ages 4 and up in the care and riding of horses through a free, ongoing weekly program. They also run an animal rescue program for neglected horses and other large animals in Kohala.
Shay Van Zandt, 808-756-4192.
Our mission is to provide students grades 2-10 with a foundation in Hawaiian culture through the oral histories of our kupuna, using the Hawaiian language, and hands-on experience with traditional Hawaiian skills in relationship with the land. Johnelle Amoo Kainoa, 808-895-2545,
Lama Kukui ʻO Kohala Garden
Restoration (Kuneo ʻO Kukui)

Lama Kukui ʻO Kohala, also known as Kuneo ʻO Kukui garden, in its 23rd year of restoration is now in partnership with the Men of Paʻa a non-profit organization offering land-based recovery and land-based stewardship. This collaboration and weekly healing circle meetings each Thursday in the garden are a combined effort to heal our Kohala and Island community
Nani Svendsen, 808-889-5572,
Performing Arts
Lavaroots Performing Arts brings dance, music, and culture to Kohala Elementary School through its dance and drumming programs serving Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades. The rhythm of the Soil: Gardens, Dance, and Music is offered in the Fall, and Hip Hop-Creative Movement is offered in the spring. Lavaroots also co-hosts with Kissidugu Foundation an Annual Drum and Dance Conference in Kohala that brings together eight West African Master artists, two North Kohala Kumu Hula as well as Yoga and Salsa instructors. It is an enriching opportunity for all of the Big Island. Lavaroots thank you for supporting the empowerment of our youth!
Director: Michál Anna Carrillo, 808 987-4243,
This therapeutic service provides opportunities for horseback riding and interactions with horses that support healthy lifestyles, traditional paniolo values, and increased mental and muscle wellness.
Fern White, 808-896-0316, /
Malama Kohala Kahakai
Coastal Preservation
In collaboration with the Ala Kahakai Trail Association and Malama Kohala Wahi Pana, the organizers helped secure another $2 million in grants and matches to preserve 34 more acres at Kaiholena South. In the last four years, along with five other North Kohala community groups, nearly 300 coastal acres have been preserved in perpetuity. These include Nu’uanu, Pao’o, Kaiholena North, and Kaiholena South. A capital campaign is being considered as the number of landowners wishing to sell their land for preservation purposes is rapidly increasing.
Gail Byrne 808-938-8880
Mālama Pono Discovery
Garden at KES
Mālama Pono Garden cultivates young people who love, respect, and care for themselves, their community, and the earth while increasing food security and improving health outcomes in our school and the wider community. The garden is a sanctuary for learning and discovery, where students can explore the natural world, understand their place within it, and learn to care for and provide for their community. Students come to this living classroom to apply key concepts in natural sciences mathematics, language arts, fine arts, and social studies while engaging in Hawaiian cultural practices and protocols. The garden serves as a valuable resource for sustainable food and living knowledge in the school and wider community.
Heather Brovsky
Na Kupuna
‘O Kohala
Na Kupuna ‘O Kohala is a hula halau made up of senior men and women from North Kohala. Under the guidance of Kumu Kaui Nakamura, the halau’s objective is to perpetuate Hawaiian culture while learning the stories and dances of Hawai’i; to share this culture through performances throughout the year in the community, and to encourage excellence through competition at the annual senior hula festival.
Michael Clement
North Kohala
Providing a safe and encouraging place for youth in the community to be a part of and learn the skill and form of archery. Once established, a Junior Olympic Archery Club is planned with the goal of keiki being afforded the chance to compete in tournaments and have access to more collegiate scholarship opportunities.
Tiana and Jared Miyamoto,
North Kohala Community Emergency Response Team
NK-CERT continues to train and prepare to respond to emergencies.
John Winter, 808-889-6901.
North Kohala
Community Reunion
Established in 2000 by community members, the Reunion has been a beacon for Kohala community members living away from home to come back. The event is filled with many activities including self-guided tours, presentations, music, food, and much much more.
North Kohala
Eat Locally Grown
The Eat Locally Grown Campaign works to grow a community-based, sustainable food system that addresses the health, environment, and economy of North Kohala. Current initiatives include an EBT booth at the Hawi Farmers Market, a fresh produce supplement program at the Food Basket, and a Farmers Market promotion.
Leslie Nugent,
North Kohala
Golf Park
The North Kohala Golf Park is a recreation area where children and adults can learn to play golf or practice their skills. The nine-hole course has a putting green and chipping practice area.
Michael Radtke 808 936 0733
North Kohala
National Guard Alumni
Established in 1999 to address the need for recognition of the many veterans who served the nation honorably. Responsibilities include maintaining the community monuments dedicated to fallen veterans. In addition, a new Wall of Honor is being planned for the community.
North Kohala Student Cultural Enrichment Program
This program is designed to expose Kohala students to many cultural and educational programs that have previously been prohibitive due to costs.
Dixie Adams, 808-889-5730,;
Laura Burkhart, 808-884-5833,;
Rose Mae Watterson, 808-889-6342,
`Ohana Niu
‘Ohana Niu currently sponsors a fruit and plant share at St. Augustine’s church the last Wednesday of each month from 12-3pm.
Joseph Gamiao
Opio-KUPUNA-Kakou (OKK)
The mission of OKK is to help the families of the Opio (youth) and Kupuna (elders) with monetary support to make it easier for them to participate in activities and programs in Kohala.
Kealoha Sugiyama, 808-889-0171,
Pop Warner – Kohala Chargers
This youth football organization teaches the values of teamwork, self-discipline, respect, self-confidence, and good sportsmanship. They are raising funds to pay for bus transportation to out-of-town games and to replace or upgrade equipment for quality and safety.
Kamon Kupuka’a, 808-238-6747
This project has been working tirelessly to raise awareness of ʻohana and community kuleana to the valley. The obvious problem is the need to mālama the valley and its surrounding areas from over-humanization. The hui focuses on educating visitors and locals on trail hazards, cultural and historical information along with where the public access places are.
Aoloa Patao
Regenerative Organic Agriculture and Pro-biotic Practices Hawaii
This project extends from a 35-year effort to firmly reestablish regenerative organic farming in Hawaii. Their goals are to host in-depth workshops and develop a vocational agriculture training program for at-risk young men.
Clarence and Gail Baber, 808-938-8880.
Thru Music
Remember Thru Music is a no-cost program providing personalized music on MP3 players to those diagnosed with memory loss, Alzheimer’s & dementia.
Jen McGeehan 808.747.2365
Panda Farms
RPF was created to ensure food security for the residents of the North Kohala community. Our main intention is to create a “farm syndicate” to encourage food security in North Kohala, at little to no charge to the residents. RPF’s mission is to bridge the gap in food supply while ensuring that farmers are invested in growing food to meet the needs of their community, not only during these times of crisis but moving forward. Chris Bornstein,
Ryukyukoku Matsuri
Daiko Kohala
RMD Okinawan Taiko has been active in Kohala for over four years with 23 drummers performing at community events and providing free classes in Kohala. Funding is needed for uniforms, drums, and transportation.
Kathy Matsuda, 808-889-5801,
Stop LFA
Our goal is to detect and eradicate Little Fire Ants throughout North Kohala by creating a community-funded rapid response team capable of responding quickly and effectively to LFA infestations in North Kohala.
Frank Hustace,
Sustainable Kohala
This network of Kohala residents promotes local sustainability, emergency readiness, and community resilience through educational programming, grant writing, staff support, free films, and more.
Gail O’Byrne: 310.487.2702
Team NSP Basketball
Team NSP aims to provide school-age children (5-18) in Kohala with year-round basketball training. Kohala is historically known as a basketball-oriented community but lacks training outside of the Countyʻs minimal offering. Youth currently travel to Kona, Hilo, and Kāʻū for training.
Training includes drills using equipment such as a rebounder machine, cones, poles, agility ladders, and a resistance machine for the improvement of endurance, skill, strength, and teamwork.
Keone Emeliano, 808-895-6334.
Ulu Va’a
Ulu Va’a was established in 2020 by North Kohala community members to engage Hawai’i youth and community in wa’a culture and ahupua’a habitat restoration practices. The intention is to build navigational skills that are transferable to life skills.
Many programs relate to culture, environment, and habitat restoration yet there is a lack of connection among these programs and a lack of opportunities for Kohala youth to engage in these programs. One of the greatest challenges facing our Kohala community and peers is drug use. Looking at this as a lack of connection and sense of purpose we see this as an opportunity to engage the community a meaningful, hands-on culturally based programming. Additionally, there are many waʻa programs around the state, and having a strong waʻa program here in Kohala will prepare our youth to be active participants in these future opportunities
Upolu Ag Water Mitigation
To initiate a pilot project working with relevant government agencies, private entities, individuals, and other North Kohala agricultural producer groups to secure agricultural water from alternative sources generally located in the region between Hoea and Kokoiki, but could be extended to other areas. The water will be available to farmers and ranchers. The project will continue to seek and implement alternate water sources for at least the next several years.
Kirk Eubank,